Courtney & Geoff
Courtney & Geoff

Thank you for joining us on our special day!

Courtney Wernette
Geoff Bueschen

June 24th 2023
Reno NV
611 Days Ago

We met on Facebook dating! We started talking for a couple of weeks and wanted to meet for dinner. Love at first sight! Our first date was at Chili's on October 2, 2020. Coming to find out we had things in common. We both liked to travel and explore different places, we also enjoyed skiing. Once we had enough snow, Geoff asked me to go skiing with him and his daughter Joslynn. I said "sure I would love to". Even though inside of me, I was alittle scared to get up on 2 sticks of skiis that I haven't touched in about 12 years or so. We went to Mt. Rose, put on my skiis and a way I went. It was like riding a bike, once you learn you cant forget. We had a blast! 
Almost a year and a half passed and he told his daughter he wanted to marry me. I came home one night and Joslynn met me at the front door and had me choose what to do, Through a "cootie catcher" I chose "follow me and come upstairs and change into the dress i picked out". I said "Ok". Once I changed, she guided me outside where Geoff was standing in the middle of a big lighted red heart on one knee holding a ring and wrote me a little poem. He asked "will you marry me?". I said "yes I will love to". (Credits to Joslynn who decorated and picked out our outfits and was ready for her dad to ask me to marry him).