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We are truly blessed

For God to have smiled down on us and joinned us is just amazing. In this world it is rare to find that one true love, your soul mate, best friend and partner in crime, by His Grace we have been blessed to find that.

There are so many thank yous that have to be given...

To our families...thanks for always being there! Our parents for raising us with morals and values - for being a sounding board and a voice of reason - for picking us up when we fall  - for support and love beyond measure - we love you. To our siblings...for being our fights, laughs and best friends - for a love that will always unique - for standing beside us always - we love you. To our children...for teaching us unconditional love, patience, how to laugh like never before, how to appreciate the little things, to see the world thru your eyes and how things never seem to go as planned - just breathe and enjoy the ride - its so worth it - we love you.

To all our friends...thank you for always being there for us, for the laughs and the tears, no matter what comes you are always there and for that we love you 'Family isn't always about blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what - Unknown'

To our angels...for teaching us love, watching over us and guiding us